Have you had trouble getting your current IT company to answer the phone or to resolve your IT issues quickly?
Is your in-house IT employee overwhelmed?
Are you unsure if you’re getting the most value for your IT investment dollar?
If you’ve answered “YES” to any of these questions, then you need Unity IT.
We believe in preventative, proactive IT maintenance. What’s that mean? It means we’ve proven that paying to prevent problems is more efficient than paying to fix problems.

Are you a small to midsize business in Fresno, Clovis, Madera, or Visalia?
We’re your ideal IT team! See how we can help.
Do you want to turn technology into a power tool to move your business forward?
It’s our mission to turn IT from a problem that consumes your time and money to something that gives your business the power boost it deserves.
Unity IT has developed the IT services needed to power small to mid-size businesses.
Our clients come from a cross-section of industries, and typically have 5 to 100 workstations.
They rely on their computers, network, and the internet for daily operations, and – like you – can’t afford the cost of downtime and loss of productivity.
We’ll get your system optimized, mobile, and secure.
This will open up a world of opportunities, and your employees will finally be equipped to do the jobs they were hired for, not waste their time on computer problems. Sound good? It is!
What’s better? In addtition to our hourly IT support service, we provide an all-inclusive IT monitoring and maintenance service that you can budget for with one simple monthly payment.

Are you stressed out by IT?
The experience and tech support that you will get from Unity IT will be absolutely unbeatable. Make your life simpler – Click below to schedule a Free Consultation, or just give us a call.
Free Consultation Call Today: (559) 297-1007