Category Archives: Fresno IT Services

Cloud Storage Security: How to Keep Your Accounting Firm’s Data Secure in the Cloud

cloud security

Cybercriminals are infamous for their creative solutions when hacking data and triggering business chaos. When cybercriminals manage to break into systems, businesses face serious consequences such as data breaches, financial losses, damaged reputations, and loss of customer trust. Accounting firms are not exempt from these attacks or consequences. Around 75% of surveyed accounting firms stated […]

Top 10 Best Practices for Email Security

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Email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication today. It’s also one of the most vulnerable. Cyber attackers can easily gain access to your email account and read your messages, or even worse, they can use your email account to send spam or malicious links to your contacts. That’s why it’s important […]

What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Can it Add Value to Your Company

managed service provider fixing server

As businesses adopt more and more technology, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with the maintenance and management of this technology. Many types of risks come along with not keeping up with technology, including data breaches, downtime, and compliance issues. There are also costly and time-consuming processes associated with managing technology, such as maintenance, […]